Friday, April 8, 2011

FIVE- Don't Let Anything Stop You!

Let Nothing Stop You

Last Friday and Saturday we had the privilege to meet a wonderful woman from Alabama. She came to New York City to minister, hand out tracts and tell everyone Jesus loves them. Many christians may read this now, and think: " Oh, that's nice, but what's so special about that?", it's very special and I'll explain why. Jennifer is a wife and a mother of 4 boys, they all love football she said, they are cute typical little boys. They are filled with energy and boisterous. Jennifer was diagnosed with ALS last year, also known as Lou Gherig's disease. Her speech in greatly affected by the condition, yet she came to NYC to hand out tracts and serve God. It's not easy for her to talk and as she expressed to me, people don't have the patience to listen to her. As soon and she got off the plane she began her missions trip and handed out a tract to a young lady, then the guy who helped her with her suitcases, then the family at a store she went to, the owners of the restaurant she ate in. Not only did she hand them the tract but she also told them about the love of Jesus. Friday and Saturday she joyfully served in Freedom Square, wanting to be involved in everything from shopping, to cooking, to serving and handing out 300 bananas to which she was sure to tell every recipient that Jesus loved them. On Saturday my husband asked her if she would share her testimony and she agreed, touching many lives that were present in the feeding program. As we were driving home one night she shared that God had allowed this condition to happen so that it could challenge Christians. She said if I can do it, why can't other people? I have let nothing stop me from what God called me to do. I agreed with her as I also served in crutches and in pain for those two days. So my question is? What is stopping you friend? What is stopping you from doing what God called you to do? I think it could be fear or insecurity of course. But I think one of the most important factors that paralyzes Christians today is comfort. We become comfortable in our lives, we like them just so. We don't want to be moved, or bothered or challenged. We like our routines, our schedules, our activities. We like to do what we like. Many of us are called to ministry, to evangelize, to speak, to feed the hungry, to comfort the widow. But we just can't fit that in our busy lives. We keep putting that in the bottom of our to do list, and then it goes from being in the bottom to being completely written off. We pray and seek God , we go to an altar call perhaps. We know God wants us to step out in faith to do something, we understand that He will equip us. Then of course the opportunity will present itself to act and many of us look and say: oh, I have to go to the gym, that's the day I was going to organize my closet, my kids really need to get a haircut that day ( even though you had time all week to get it done) What I'm saying is this, don't let anything stop you!!! God has called you right? So that means He wants you to do something great for Him. Step out in faith and do it! Don't let schedules,friendships, fellowships, sports,nail salons,play dates, Pilates, pain, crutches, medical conditions, naps, ADHD, sewing or anything else stop you. Put what God called you to do at the top at the top of the list. Whatever it is, making a sandwich for a sad teenager or going on a missions trip to Africa. When we set this priority in order we will walk in God's will and I believe that to be a great blessing!

~ In God's adventure it is best to throw your agenda out the window and follow God's!


  1. How did you get the groovy photos on your blog!? DO TELL!

  2. What a great post! I would have loved meeting this woman...the Lord showing you who you are!
