Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Post

First post! Well no pressure there. What can I write that can make you interested and keep reading?How about I share an amazing story with you? I warn you my life is wonderfully out of the ordinary and out of the blue, anything can happen! Welcome to my adventures.

The Lady That Plans Trips to Canada

When I was 18 years old I was a typical New York girl of my social circle. Parties, art shows, the ultimate after hours spot, friends, boyfriend,etc. Deep inside I was the loneliest girl in the world. I walked around with pain and sadness everyday, I lived a life consumed with confusion and melancholy. Day to day I struggled to take grip of everything all while feeling lost and abandoned. This feeling was so overwhelming that I yearned for an escape, that's why when my boyfriend proposed to me a trip to Canada with some senior citizens from his grandmothers church, as out of character as it sounded, I jumped to the idea. After all I was surrounded by so many insensitive insincere types, that I thought a weekend with old church ladies was exactly what I needed. We were to meet in front on the church. I arrived on time with my " raver type outfit" a baby tee and a short skirt with shell top adidas on my feet. My hair was cut short, a boy cut and dyed strawberry blond. The looks of all the ladies faces there was classic!They were all from a Pentecostal Spanish church and wearing long dresses and the hair to go with them. But from the back came one of them, rushing right to me and greeted me with so much love. She introduced herself and told me she organized this trip and many others to Canada.Throughout the entire trip she treated me with so much kindness ,warmth, love and acceptance. She made sure I slept well, ate well and got settled in my room properly. She was a very special person and she touched my heart during those three days of the trip. Years later I became a Christian at the age of 21, and through the years I always thought and remembered that woman. I was so sad when I learned from my husbands grandmother that she had passed away. I truly mourned her and wished that somehow I could have gotten to know her better or at least thanked her somehow. Unfortunately I forgot her name, I never really payed attention. And anyway she was just known as and referred to as "the lady who organizes trips to Canada"
Recently my good friends Rafael and Cindy Ruppert joined me at Freedom Square to help out on a Saturday.Freedom Square is an evangelistic feeding program in Brooklyn,NY. My husband and I are the ministers there. They blessed us so and shared their day with Rafael's mother, who became interested in joining the work in Brooklyn. My friend Rafael's mother began to work with us as a volunteer two weeks ago. I will also let you know that Cindy and Rafael's daughter is best friends with my daughter since the age of one, they are now 8. Last week Rafael's mom , Mrs. Carmen was chatting away with my husband in the Freedom Square kitchen. As they cooked and clean they got to know each other. She asked my husband, " Where is your family from?" and he answered " From the Lower East Side of Manhattan". As they continued speaking she asked if they went to church, my husband replied " Oh yeah, La Misionera on such and such street". She then said that she had grown up in that church, her and her husband. And my husband told her that that was his grandmother's church and that his mom and family had grown up attending that church as well. Here's the amazing part, this next question, my husband asked " Mrs. Ruppert, did you know a senior lady from that church that would organize trips to Canada?" Mrs. Ruppert replied " Yes, of course, that was my mother in law". Do you see? Can you understand how amazing and unbelievable!!! The kind warm lady that had touched my life and broken my sadness on that weekend to Canada when I was 18 years old ,that was my friend Rafael's grandmother! Can you believe it?
Yes, that senior citizen showed me love 18 years ago and touched my heart and now I realized that without knowing it her family has been so close to my heart for so many years. Did she pray for me on that trip, I wonder? I don't know, but I think so. What did I learn from this? Well yes, that we live in a small world, but also the importance and impact we can have on a young persons life. No matter how cold,how distant, how confused,how lost, if we show that person love and the true heart of Christ,God will be faithful!
Adventure is living a life with purpose!
~ Cheers


  1. Yeah!! You started the blog!! I love it :) First off, I love hearing what God does in our lives. He is so loving!! Second, I love that you had strawberry blonde hair... Who would have thought??

  2. Thank you Maddies Mom, included with adventures in ministry I'm sure there will be adventures in motherhood we will both enjoy! :)

  3. @ Señorita: would you believe that I had blond, strawberry blond, pink and blue hair?

  4. LOL!! That is very hard to believe ;)

  5. @ señorita, as soon as imam able to walk I'll look for some pics.

  6. loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it muaaaaaaaaaaa(mjv)

  7. God is so amazing! so thoughtful and perfect in how He orchestrates our paths. years later we're floored as we catch a glimpse or 2 of His intricate work to bring us to Him and keep us. and that's just what we see. He's so good. so loving. so awesome.

    thanks for sharing. what a blessing to have stumbled into your blog today.

    all my love from Texas -
